Celebration Experts For Your Event
The A To ZOf Kid’s Party Themes
If your child’s special day is approaching, it’s time to consider theparty theme! To help you and your child choose, we’ve made a list of kids’
party themes. With each theme, we have included links and resources to
kick-start your creativity. CelebrationExperts For Your EventA – Party themes
The Animal theme is easy and works great for all ages. If you want toadd an edge to your party, hire a face painter and turn your guests into their
favorite animals. Alternatively, book a travelling zoo or a reptile house for
the afternoon.Aliens– Kids and adults can enjoy dressing as their favorite alien,whether it’s Ripley from the original movie or a green Martian, this is sure to
be fun. Think green and purple foods, balloons with eyes and flying saucer
cupcakes.Alice in Wonderland
For Alice in Wonderland, you’ll need a few DIY projects and decorativeelements to set the tone.
Arts and Crafts
Looking for a more hands-on theme? Host an arts and crafts party! Withyounger kids, it helps to change activities every 15 to 20 minutes.
Otherwise,you can find professionalshere on jollify.Avatar
Think blue for this theme! Blue candy, blue drinks and perhaps evenblueberry muffins! Get your jungle theme going.
B – Party themes
Baking party
If your kids enjoy cooking, host a baking party for some hands-on fun.It’s a great theme! For the activities, keep it simple. For example, making a
pizza is a rewarding challenge for children. The adults just need to prepare
and display the ingredients to mix.Ballerinas
If your child already does Ballerina, this theme is perfect! Withminimal DIY decorations, you can set the atmosphere of the party.
Balloon modelling is magic for young kids. They can also easily becombined with other themes. You can find a balloon artist here on jollify.
C – Party themes
Cars (Disney/Pixar)
With three movies and a spin-off, Disney has made sure this themeremains top of mind. Nonetheless, it’s a great party theme with bright colors
and endless possibilities.Circus/Carnival
If you’re a fan of traditional party games, host a mini-carnivalparty.
D – Party themes
Devils and Angels
Pick one and go all out in your costume! Food might include both Angelfood and Devil’s food cake, sparkling cider and fireball drinks or angel hair
pasta and hamburgers cooked well-done!Disco
The lights, the colors, the music… if your kids love to dance, thistheme will be a lot of fun. If you don’t have enough space for dancing, you can
always hire a venue. You can also hire an entertainer at jollify.Disney
Anything Disney works here, be it Goofy, Peter Pan, or Cinderella’sevil stepmother.
With a dinosaur theme party, you can be as factual or fictional as youand your kids want to be.
E – Party themes
Egyptian party
The ancient Egyptian party theme is very flexible. For example, it caneasily be linked to a treasure hunt activity. However, you may want to consider
making a pyramid cake…F – Party themes
While the Frozen craze has died down a little, it’s still a fun partytheme for kids. However, the movie itself will give you all the music and
decoration ideas you need.Fireman & Police
Trucks and big motorized vehicles endlessly fascinate young children.If you’re going to do this theme, start by asking your local fire station if
you can visit.Football
If you are looking for high energy theme, consider having a Footballparty.
G – Party themes
Ghosts and Ghouls
Go all out and create your best ghoulie ghost costume. Hold a séanceand don’t forget the “finger food.”
Glow in the Dark
Dark lights and fluorescent colors make for a truly magical party. Youcan double the fun by matching this theme with the disco theme.
H – Party themes
Harry Potter party
This is a wonderful theme, especially if your kids are old enough toread books or watch movies. A nice idea, to go with the theme, is to hire a
magician. You can find magicians on jollify.I – Party themes
Indians and Cowboys
A western theme is full of possibilities. If you want to go all out,make the event a sleepover! You can make tipis with blankets.
The Incredibles (Disney / Pixar)
As the movies revolve around a family, The Incredibles is an idealtheme for parents who want to play along.
J – Party themes
James Bond party
Being a secret agent is a wonderful birthday experience. This partytheme is ideal if you want to organize a scavenger hunt.
K – Party themes
Karate party
If your children do martial arts, this theme is perfect. A kimono fora costume couldn’t be simpler.
Kung Fu Panda (Disney)
If you like the martial arts theme, but you want a more fantasyapproach, consider having a Kung Fu Panda party.
L – Party themes
Legos are universal; they’ve even made movies. On the Lego website youcan find ideas on how you can combine Lego with other party themes.
M – Party themes
Minions (Despicable me – Disney/Pixar)
A minion costume is easy enough to make or find. One of the adultsmight want to be Gru for the day…
The 3 Musketeers, the 4 Musketeers or the 12 Musketeers… you caneasily adjust your party theme to the number of guests. However, the costumes
will likely involve foam or plastic swords. Kids will love it, parents, a bit
less. If you’re worried, set clear rules and guidelines at the start.N – Party themes
Bright pink or yellow outfits and glow sticks everywhere!
O – Party themes
Mini Olympics
If you want your guests to blow off some steam before moving indoors,this is a great theme. Additionally, the required DIY is minimal. All you need
are a few flags and medals. If you want to give the winners a prize, you can
make medals out of a jumbo chocolate coin and a ribbon. You can also use the
party bags as participation prizes.P – Party themes
Princess party
This theme is very flexible, you can choose to do Disney princess orjust princess in general. Additionally, you can hire a princess entertainer for
the party. You can find princessentertainers here on jollify.Pamper Party
The popularity of Pamper Parties is on the rise. It’s an ideal themefor older kids.
This theme has the benefit of being age independent. You will getgreat souvenir pictures if have toddler pirates! You can also combine your
pirate party with fictional themes, like space pirates.Pokémon
Pokémon is a theme your kids will likely request at some point.
Pancakes &Pyjama Party
Pyjamas and pancakes can be done as two separate themes, but they workgreat together. If your kids are old enough to cook, get each guest to make a
pancake.Q – Party themes
Quest (Scavenger hunt)
Having a treasure or a scavenger hunt is always appealing to children.
R – Party themes
Reptile party
A reptile party doesn’t need to be grey; it can be bright and fun.
This theme can be as fictional and elaborate as you want it to be.
This is an easy and colorful theme. You can find some great rainbowparty ideas online.
S – Party themes
Superhero Party
With so many superhero comics and movies out there, this is a broadtheme to cover.
Mad Science
Mad Science is always a great hit with kids! If you want to doelaborate ‘mad science’ with the kids, book an entertainer for the party.
Star Wars
Space and adventure make Star Wars a great party theme for kids.
Slime Party
Making slime is very popular science project for kids to do during aparty. Then, once the slime is made, they now have a new temporary toy to play
with.T – Party themes
Thanks to cartoons and movies, the Transformers theme has endlesspossibilities.
Pizza is always welcome at a turtle’s party. But with the Turtle ninjatheme, it becomes a perfect match.
Tangled (Disney)
Tangled got raving reviews when it was released. In popularity issecond only to Frozen.
Tea Party
If your kid wants an enjoyable and relaxed afternoon, host a TeaParty. You can combine it with a pamper party.
U – Party themes
Unicorn Party
When children request this theme, it sounds a bit vague. It’s an easyand fun theme to do. It can be easily combined with the rainbow theme.
Under the Sea
Pretending to live under the sea, or being marooned on an island, isalways exhilarating for kids.
V – Party themes
Vampire Party
If your kids can’t get enough at Halloween, a Vampire theme would beideal. You can book a face painterto turn all your guests into vampires. You
can find face painters here on jollify.Viking
This is a good theme if you don’t want to doPirate again. It’s alsothe perfect theme to combine with “How to train your dragon” (DreamWorks).
W – Party themes
For a fun, haunted party, get all your guests to arrive as witches.The costumes are easy enough to find or make.
Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz will probably remain a classic. If your kids are ofthe age to watch or read the story, this might be the perfect theme.
X – Party themes
A nice spin-off of the superheroes is the X-Men theme. As anyone canbe an X-men, kids can have fun creating their own character.
Y – Party themes
Anything yellow goes for this party, including bananas, sunshine,daffodils and rubber duckies. Food ideas include cheese, lemon flavored
anything, banana bread or cake, corn tortillas.Z – Party themes
Last, but not least, is the zombie theme. With just a bit of make-upadults and kids can become zombies for the day.
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